The good bits: Native to the foothills of Arkansas’ Ozark Mountains. My life consists of… my wife (Kristin), my daughter (Faye), my dog (Ollie), herping, hiking, swimming and canoeing, woodworking, and home DIY projects.
The serious bits: I am a landscape ecologist, with interest in research at the interface between conservation, ecological theory, and mathematical modeling. I primarily work with reptiles and amphibians, but am interested in the processes determining the distribution of biodiversity more broadly.
Download my CV.
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Ecology, 2024
University of Florida
M.Sc., Biology, 2017
Eastern Kentucky University
B.Sc., Biology, 2014
University of Arkansas
By keywords in publications
from 2024
Selected presentations
Associated with the International Association of Landscape Ecologists (IALE) meeting
Addressing data needs through expert-practioner knowledge co-generation
Associated with the Species On The Move (SOTM) meeting
3rd Species On The Move conference, 2023
Integrating multi-scale data with hybrid ecological models to evaluate the role of management, climate, and habitat
Modeling global ecological connectivity using biologically relevant data to understand expected patterns of species range shifts
The role of connectivity in shaping species responses to climate change
Integrating multi-scale data with hybrid ecological models to evaluate the role of management, climate, and habitat
Guest lecture in Wildlife of Florida–Amphibians
Guest lecture in Wildlife of Florida–Salamanders
ongoing projects
School of Natural Resources and Environment
a place tutorials and fun projects